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Arthur Cauty stock footage credits


Cauty has licensed hundreds of thousands of stock videos and photos from his vast portfolio to studios, filmmakers, artists and brands around the World. 


His work has been used by the likes of Warner Bros, Paramount, Disney, 20th Century Fox, Netflix, NBC Universal, BBC, HBO, ABC, TBS, CBS, CNBC, CNN, ITN, Sky, Channel 4, ITV, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Sony, Amazon, Fox, Vice, Time, Microsoft, Samsung, Forbes, The New York Times, Business Insider, Financial Times, The Economist, The Guardian, The Spectator, Buzzfeed, Red Bull, WatchMojo, The Lonely Planet, Showcase Cinemas, Canon, Gibson Guitars & Banksy.


Credits include Saturday Night Live (NBC), Conan (TBS), Gotham (Warner Bros / DC Comics), Under The Silver Lake (A24). The Puppet Master (Netflix), The Future Of (Netflix), Devil in Ohio (Netflix), When Missing Turns to Murder (Netflix), American Pickers (Amazon), The Outlaws (BBC), Statue Wars (BBC), One Born Every Minute (Channel 4), Cancelled (Channel 4), NBC News, ABC News & BBC News.


View and download his work at the following links:


Alternatively, you can get in touch directly to license content for your project or commission bespoke work at:

  • Vimeo
  • Youtube
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
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